Ziridava 38
Research papers
Alin Frînculeasa, Daniel Garvăn, Octav Negrea
Cucuteni in northern Muntenia: archaeological research at Șoimești (Prahova)
Zoltán Katócz
Late Copper Age archaeological sites in the area of Valea lui Mihai (Bihor county) ucuteni in northern Muntenia: archaeological research at Șoimești (Prahova)
Anca Georgescu
Mureș culture pottery motifs and decorations. A view from the past: Dorin Popescu’s excavations at
Pecica-Şanţul Mare and Semlac-Livada lui Onea
Neculai Bolohan, Ana Drob
Thoughts and words about metals, metalworking and a regional power hub east of the Carpathians
during the Middle Bronze Age
Orsolya Gyurka
Contributions to dating the Late Bronze Age pottery in North–Western Romania
Ioan Bejinariu, Mihai Constantinescu, Dan Băcueț-Crișan
The Late Bronze Age necropolis from Zalău, Sălaj county
Ioan Cristian Cireap, Angela Simalcsik, Alexandru Hegyi
The late La Téne cremation grave from Milova – Cioaca Milovei (Arad County)
Călin Cosma
Seventh-eight centuries bead types/forms discovered in the Avar and Avar-Slavic cemeteries of
Dan Băcueț-Crișan, Timea Keresztes
Contributions to the knowledge of the medieval liturgical objects of the Sylvanian Basin:
a Corpus Christi discovered at Pericei, street Góc, no. 668 (Sălaj county)
Silviu Iliuță, Dorel Micle, Ene Silviu
Postmedieval and modern-era smoking paraphernalia discovered at Ciacova between 2015 and 2018
Field reports / Rapoarte asupra cercetărilor de teren
Dragoș Diaconescu, Ionuț Marteniuc, Sofia Bertea, Victor Bunoiu, Bogdan Calotă, Răzvan Ioan
Pinca, Robin DiPasquale (Quataert)
The archaeological excavations at Susani – Grămurada de la Jupani. Report on the 2024 field campaign
Alex Popa
Noi date arheologice de la Nădab – Dohangia (jud. Arad)
Reviews / Recenzii
Victor Sava
Sergiu Popovici, Cultura Usatovo. Arheologia funerară a unei societăți din epoca bronzului.
Editura Cetatea de Scaun. Târgoviște 2023. (ISBN 978-606- 537-640-3), 475 pagini.