Ziridava.Studia Archaeologica (ISSN 2392–8786), edited under the patronage of the Arad Museum and printed by Mega Publishing House, is a periodical of archaeology that is meant to continue the old Ziridava. One must state that Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica is published annually and is printed in the month of December of each year.
All papers send to the editorial board undergo a peer review type evaluation.
The submision and processing of the received papers for Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica is free of charge.
Brief history
The first volume of Ziridava was published in 1967, and 25 volumes were edited since then, until 2010. This periodical published studies from various disciplines such as archaeology, history, art history, museology, or ethnography. In time, several independent specialized periodicals were created from the larger Ziridava: Armonii Naturale (since 1996), Zărandul (since 1999), Studii și comunicări (since 1992). A final stage of this process of increased editorial specialization is the publication of a separate periodical of archaeology, Ziridava Studia Archaeologica. Since in specialized archaeological literature Ziridava was correlated to the institution of the Arad Museum, but also due to the numerous archaeological researches performed mainly in the Lower Mureș were published in the periodical from Arad, the editorial board has decided to preserve the name of the periodical. At the same time, in order to avoid braking the tradition and forgetting the efforts of the periodical’s old editorial board, we have decided to continue the numbering the volumes with no. 26 (Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica 26, 2012).
Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica is envisioned, first of all, as a periodical with regional impact. One of the main goals of this academic initiative is to publish archaeological materials, but also older research remained unpublished and new research. The team also encourages and supports the publication of synthesis studies and modern approaches.
We also wish for the periodical to be accessible to all interested in archaeology and thus readers are provided free access to the pdf version of the papers.
Declaration of confidentiality
All authors’ data are private and shall not be used for commercial purposes.
The peer review process meets all academic criteria and the evaluation criteria of the manuscripts are non-discriminatory.
Victor Sava
Florin Mărginean
Editorial Assistant:
Ioan Cristian Cireap
Editorial Advisory Board
Vitalie Bârcă
Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca
Adina Boroneanț
“Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology
Marin Cârciumaru
Valahia University of Târgovişte
Sorin Cociş
Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca
Dragoș Diaconescu
The National Museum of Banat, Timișoara
Daria Loznjak Dizdar
Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb
Florin Drașovean
Romanian Academy, Timișoara branch
Alin Frînculeasa
Prahova County Museum of History and Archaeology
Erwin Gáll
“Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology, Bucharest
Florin Gogâltan
Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca
Adrian Ioniţă
“Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology
Hrvoje Kalafatić
Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb
Aleksandar Kapuran
Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
Rüdiger Krause
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften
Vor- und Frühgeschichte
Tobias Kienlin
Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte. Universität zu Köln
Valéria Kulcsár
University of Szeged
Sabin Adrian Luca
Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu
Barry Molloy
University College Dublin
Sorin Nemeti
Babeş-Bolyai University
John O'Shea
University of Michigan
Karl Zeno Pinter
Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu
Ioan Stanciu
Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca
Imre Szatmári
Munkácsy Mihály Museum, Békéscsaba
Miklos Takács
Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Ioan Marian Ţipilic
“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu