General guidelines
- the articles should be submitted until July 1st of each year; articles received after this date will be kept, with the author’s permission, for the portfolio of the subsequent issue.
- we accept articles written in Romanian, English (articles in Romanian will be translated, with the author’s consent, into English, by the editorial panel), German, and French.
- the authors agree to follow all provisions of the copyright law and the papers will be accepted after a peer review process that will verify if the papers meet the scientific and editorial requirements.

- Papers will be sent via email to the editors, at: ziridava2012@gmail.com

Reference style
- maximum number of pages: 30 including plates, figures, tables
- title: font size 12, bolded
- author(s)’ name, professional affiliation, email address
- abstract, max 10 lines
- 5 keywords
- article body text: Times New Roman, font size 12, single space, justified
- images will be sent as tiff files, 300 dpi, or CorelDRAW (preferably CorelDRAW X3)
- bibliography: authors will be cited in the footnotes according to the following model: Gumă 1993, 165, fig. 1, pl. X; Mărginean, Sava 2008, 68; Hügel et al. 2012, 34. When an author is cited with several works published in the same year, one will reference them as Mărginean 2010a; Mărginean 2010b. At the end, the authors will be listed alphabetically, according to the name of the first authors, then the name of the second authors; in case an author is cited with several works, the latter will be listed chronologically.
- the bibliographic referencing system is unique, i.e. footnotes (the name of the author, followed by the year of publication; for example: Gumă 1993); quotations in the text will be placed between quotation marks, and the reference will include the page(s) (Gumă 1993, 56-57); for ancient authors one will use for example Polybius, The histories, VI, 31.10 (p. 377)
- footnote numbers will always be placed in the text before the punctuation marks
- collections of documents, archival fonts, works of ancient authors etc. will precede the bibliographic list
- the bibliographic list will be arranged alphabetically
- in the end of the paper a list of bibliographic abbreviations should be placed

Suetonius, The lives of the Caesars Suetonius, The lives of the Caesars: C. Suetoni Tranquilli, The lives of the Caesars / De vita Caesarum, libri VII-VIII. Galba. Otho. Vitellius. Divus Vespasianus. Divus Titus. Domitianus; with introduction, translation and commentary by G. W. Mooney. London/New York/Toronto/Dublin 1930.
Baatz 2000 D. Baatz, Der römische Limes. Archäologische Ausflüge zwischen Rhein und Donau. Berlin 2000.
Bader 1991 T. Bader, Die Schwerter in Rumänien. PBF, IV, 8. Stuttgart 1991.
Gods and Heroes… K. Demakopoulou, C. Eluere, J. Jensen, A. Jockenhovel, J. Mohen (Eds.), Gods and Heroes of the Bronze Age: Europe at the Time of Ulysses. Copenhagen, Bonn, Paris, Athens 1998.
Parker Pearson, Thorpe 2005 M. Parker Pearson, I. J.N. Thorpe (Eds.), Warfare, Violence and Slavery in Prehistory, BAR International Series, 1374. Oxford 2005.
Carman, Harding 1999 J. Carman, A. Harding (Eds.), Ancient Warfare: archaeological perspectives. Stroud 1999.
Articles in volumes:
David 1997 W. David, Altbronzezeitliche Beinobjekte des Karpatenbeckens mit Spiralwirbel- oder Wellenbandornament und ihre Parallelen auf der Peloponnes und Anatolien in frühmykenischer Zeit. In. P. Roman (Ed.), The Thracian World at the Crossroads of Civilisations. II. “Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Thracology”. Constanţa-Mangalia-Tulcea 20-26 May 1996. Bucharest 1998, 247-305.
Fyllingen 2006 H. Fyllingen, Society and the Structure of Violence: A Story Told by Middle Bronze Age Human Remains from Central Norway. In: T. Otto, H. Thrane, H. Vandkilde (Eds.), Warfare and Society. Archaeological and Social Anthropological Perspectives. Aarhus 2006, 319-330.
Articles in periodicals:
Gogâltan 1997 Fl. Gogâltan, O rapieră de tip micenian de la Densuş (jud. Hunedoara). Apulum XXXIV, 1997, 55-65.
Horedt 1967 K. Horedt, Problemele ceramicii din perioada bronzului evoluat în Transilvania. StComBrukenthal 13, 1967, 137-156.
Frank 1993 A. G. Frank, Bronze Age World System Cycles. Current Anthropology 34, 4, 1993, 383-405.
Works in press:
Sava 2010 V. Sava, Restituiri arheologice. Un topor de cupru din colecţia dr. Kasa Antal (Dorobanţi, judeţul Arad). Banatica 20.1, 2010, (in press).
The illustration
Images, drawings, plates, graphs, tables inserted in the text will be labeled as figures (ex: Fig. 1, Fig. 2); plates are defined as those images, drawings, plans, sketches, graphs, tables that occupy an entire A4 page; they will be labeled: Plate1, with a caption text; plates will not be inserted in the text, but listed in the end of the paper. The numbering of the figures and plates will only be done in Arab numbers.